What Is Pelvic Girdle Pain? What the heck is pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy? In this video post I dive into what it is 💁♀️ and in future videos/posts of this series I will give you some tips and tricks on how to help you feel better if you are experiencing it. Check...
The Blossom Breath For Pelvic Floor Relaxation
Feeling stress or tension in your pelvic floor?Try 10 deep blossom breaths, any time - any position - anywhere! Let the tension go..... Try the video below. For a challenge, aim to make your inhales and exhales each 5 counts long. ...
My Core: Trials and Tribulations
My stakes in this game are also about to sky-rocket because next week I’m having my diastasis surgically repaired (it was supposed to be last week, but that’s another story…). Recovery from this kind of muscle repair will be no small act.
The Ligaments Of The Uterus
SCROLL DOWN FOR THE VIDEO In today's Minute With Mandy I'm bringing you some geeky anatomy info on the LIGAMENTS OF THE UTERUS. Why? Because the uterus is SUPER 😍 😍 😍 and we should all know more about it! Yes, the uterus is super - but the...
What’s The Best Way To Lift The Carseat?
In today's Minute With Mandy I'm bringing you tips on HOW TO LIFT THE BUCKET CARSEAT. Is there really a good way to lift these things? There are 3 tips in the video below, but the biggest take home message is that VARIETY IS QUEEN! Mix it up and use your muscles. ...
The Easiest Way To Lift Your Kids
In today's Minute With Mandy I'm bringing you tips on HOW TO LIFT YOUR KIDS in the early postpartum period, or if you have prolapse. There are 3 tips in the video below, but the biggest take home message is to make your big kids do the work! Let them climb up to your...
Perineal Massage
The Ultimate Video Tutorial Many, many women come to see me with questions about PERINEAL MASSAGE... HOW DO I DO IT? HOW OFTEN DO I DO IT? DO I REALLY NEED TO DO IT? SHOULD MY PARTNER HELP? WHAT DOES THE RESEARCH SAY? These are all fantastic questions that...
Do You Really Need A Pregnancy Pillow? How To Sleep When You Have Pain In Pregnancy
In today's Minute With Mandy I'm bringing you tips on HOW TO SLEEP if you are experiencing pain during pregnancy. This is also great info if you generally want to be more comfortable in pregnancy - even if you don't have pain! Like I mentioned in the last blog post (you...
Channeling Your Inner Cowgirl: How To Sit When You Have Pain During Pregnancy
In today's Minute With Mandy I'm bringing you an awesome tip on HOW TO SIT if you are experiencing pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy. (Note: the pelvic girdle basically refers to anywhere between your ribs and your hips, so I'm talking about pain anywhere in that area)....
A Pessary For Your Thoughts?
It's time for another Minute With Mandy! But fair warning - this one is about 7 minutes 😉 Today's topic is PESSARIES. Do you know what a pessary is? In case you don't, I will give you a very brief intro: pessaries are a mechanical device (typically made of silicone)...
Mandy’s Musings: My 18 for 2018
I’ve been doing so much wishing lately about becoming a stronger mom (if you haven't yet, check out my last blog post and my new year's wish for all the mamas. Now it’s time to get some of those wishes into concrete goals and onto paper. People who write their goals down...
Since becoming a mother, do you feel: stronger, weaker, or the same?
A friend and personal trainer I know (shout out to Jessie Mundell!) recently asked this question on her facebook page… And the instant I saw it, without any hesitation at all, the answer just screamed at me: WEAKER. DEFINITELY WEAKER. Definitely worse. And...